Monday, July 27, 2009

Go Back to School...For Free!

Go Back to School...For Free!

As unemployment rises, many adults are heading back to the classroom to retool their skills or learn about new industries. Here are some great tips for getting that education for free.


Many scholarships don't have age limits, which makes anyone eligible to apply. Check out and to search for available scholarships.

Professional and Trade Organizations...

Local and national professional and trade organizations often offer grants and scholarships. For instance, The San Diego Foundation ( has several scholarships for adults. Begin by doing an Internet search for your particular locale and specialty. You can also contact your local Chamber of Commerce to see if they have any information on local grants and scholarships.

Colleges and Universities...

Many schools offer scholarships created especially for adults who are returning to school. Check a school's individual Web site or contact the admissions office for details.

The Government...

Individual states may also provide grants to help people attend re-training programs that they sponsor. Information and links can be found at In addition, the Obama administration has launched to help unemployed adults return to college. The site includes information on a variety of federal student aid programs.


A large number of employers still offer tuition assistance, especially if you can show how the educational program will help your job performance. For adults who want to return to school while they are still working, this is another avenue to consider.

The Bottom Line...

With a little research and a little effort, returning to school may be a whole lot easier...and a whole lot cheaper...than you think!